DevFest Compete

Time for the registrations
to be closed for the

Start On December 12th 2023

NTIC Departement University Of Constantine 2

Days D
Hours H
Minutes M
Seconds S
DevFest Compete

The Devfest Hackathon

The primary goal of the DevFest Constantine 2023 Hackathon is to encourage participants to tackle real-world challenges, ideate innovative solutions, and transform their ideas into tangible outputs. With the guidance and support of mentors, as well as access to cutting-edge resources, teams will have the chance to compete, collaborate, and unleash their full potential.

Our objective is to witness groundbreaking solutions that can reshape industries and improve lives. By combining talent, expertise, and determination, we aim to foster an environment where participants can collaborate, tap into their creative minds, and showcase their problem-solving abilities while addressing the emerging and critical issues faced in Algeria.

12 Teams
60 Participants
2 Winners
26 Hours


Artificial Intelligence

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Real Estate

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